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Blastwaves Trading Post - Scorpions - World Wide Live Tour Tee

World Wide Live Tour Tee

World Wide Live Tour Tee

Item Number: BWTP3004
Retail Price:$25.00

This is an official tour shirt from the Eye 2 Eye tour. These are the same ones that were offered for sale on the US tour. The front features the band live from the World Wide Live album and the back lists the tourdates for the Eye 2 Eye tour.

Didn't have the cash to grab a shirt at the show? Decided that beer was more important then a t-shirt but later regreted it? Here is your chance to correct that situation!

This is one of the same shirts that were sold at the venues on The Sorpions's triumphant tour of the world in support of the Eye 2 Eye album. This shirt has never been worn and is perfect for any true Scorpions fan!

Extra Large (XL) is the only size available. There are a VERY limited quantity of these items left. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. Thanks!

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